How to Ask to Work from Home: Tips and Tactics

Remote work, telecommuting, and flexible work arrangements have become increasingly popular in recent years. With the rise of technology, it’s now possible for many employees to work from home or a virtual office. This has led to a growing number of digital nomads, mobile workforces, and distributed teams. However, not all employers are on board with this trend. If you’re interested in working from home, you may need to ask your boss for permission. Here’s how to do it.

Can I Request to Work from Home?

Every worker can ask their employer to work remotely. However, you should first determine if your job duties can be performed remotely full-time without harming your performance. Some jobs, like a nurse or security guard, require your physical presence and simply can’t be performed from home. Before you make your request, consider the following:

  • What are your job duties?
  • Can you perform your job duties remotely?
  • What are the benefits of working from home for you and your employer?
  • What are the potential drawbacks of working from home?

Once you’ve answered these questions, you can make an informed decision about whether or not to request to work from home.

Source: Formal Request to Work Remotely: Sample Letters

Is it OK to Ask Your Boss to Work from Home?

The good news is, more and more companies are agreeing to part- or full-time telecommuting arrangements for their employees. So if you want to work from home, and you have a good reason, don’t be afraid to ask. Here are some tips for making your request:

  • Be clear about why you want to work from home.
  • Explain how working from home will benefit you and your employer.
  • Offer to be available during regular business hours.
  • Be willing to compromise and negotiate.

Remember, your boss may have concerns about productivity, communication, and teamwork. Be prepared to address these concerns and offer solutions.

Source: Want to Work from Home? Here’s How to Ask Your Boss

How Do I Write a Work from Home Proposal?

If you want to work from home on a regular basis, you may need to write a proposal to your boss. Here are some tips for writing a persuasive proposal:

  • Start with a clear and concise summary of your request.
  • Explain why you want to work from home and how it will benefit you and your employer.
  • Outline your proposed schedule and work arrangements.
  • Address any potential concerns your boss may have.
  • Offer to be available for meetings and communication.
  • Provide examples of other companies that have successfully implemented remote work policies.

Remember, your proposal should be professional, well-written, and persuasive. Be prepared to answer any questions or concerns your boss may have.

Source: How To Convince Your Boss To Let You Work from Home – The Balance


Working from home can be a great way to achieve work-life balance, reduce commuting time and expenses, and increase productivity. However, it’s important to approach your boss with a well-thought-out proposal that addresses their concerns and highlights the benefits of remote work. By following these tips and tactics, you can increase your chances of getting permission to work from home.

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